Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Won my first Poker tournament

Today I came first in a local poker league game. I had been looking forward to this day for more than a month.

I started playing poker after I bought the XBOX 360 and the World Series of Poker game. Then I found the National League of Poker. They conduct poker tournaments at the local pubs. About 30-60 players show up for each of these tournaments. I have come second and third many times. In fact I came third on my first day. But I could never make it to the first place.

I watched others play and read articles on the internet. Then I read the 3 volume series by Dan Harrington and the Poker tells book by Mike Caro. The books were a good start but I had to adapt to the style of the local players. The books are typically written for professional high stakes tournaments. I have to read the books at least a couple more times to grasp all that content. I also have to practice more to calculate pot odds and card outs faster so that I can observe the other players better.

But today, even with my basic level skills and some luck, I made it all the way to the first place!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to know that. Congrats.
Good luck.. hope you win millions when u go to Las Vegas poker tournments also.. :)


January 30, 2007 at 12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grete Achievement Go ahead:))

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