Friday, January 6, 2006

"Born Again" vs Born again Christians

Since this is my blog, I can write anything I feel. What I am about to explain is about a small but active group of people I have met. They are ruining the reputation (whatever little is left) of a lot of Christians. Something made me remember all this yesterday.

I proclaimed myself as a born again Christian, during a retreat for the youth, in our church. At various other times everyone in my family has done it too. I belong to a very old traditional Christian family that believes that you become a true Christian when you are born again (accept Christ as your saviour and proclaim it) AND follow the life of a Christian.

But then we met a new breed of "Born Again Christians". They are a new age group of elitists like SOME Pentecostals. The rule is that their tithes (one-tenth of your earnings), loyalty, etc., should always remain within the group.

If they have some tough times, it is God's *test*. But if others have tough times, it is God's *punishment*.

If they falter that is due to *human imperfections* that will be forgiven. But if others falter, it is *Satan's influence* that will be punished.

If they prosper it is God's *blessing*. But if others prosper it is *"the rise before the big fall"*.

If someone among them has a problem, they will all pray for a solution. But if others have a problem, they will pray, if you agree to join them

This is a group of people who are in the "cult" for reasons other than siprituality. I am sure there are many genuine people in the same group who are unaware of all this. Eventually most of them would find out and leave the group.

I have seen so many "Born Again"/Pentecostals who do not practice anything in their life other than ritualistic prayers. I hate such double standards. I believe that one's life should be one's best testimony, that attracts other people to Christ; not threats of eternal doom and immediate punishment.

Mathew 25:45 - "And he will answer, 'I assure you, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.' And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life."

I am not saying that I am a saint myself nor am I using others' bad lives as an excuse. It is just that I have seen hundreds of people who live rotten so-called-Christian lives. Preachers, pastors, etc., used to frequent my house from my Grandfather's times and still do. I have seen many good Christians as well but it is sad to see so many hypocrites. I think, the idea behind not having a idol to worship is to avoid the possibility of the idol becoming the God. Now we have a situation where the ritual (prayers) becomes the religion.

Recently my mother said that she would like to her daughter-in-law to be a born again Christian. I quickly educated her about what that means now-a-days. I can't even use the word "Born again" anymore, in the old sense.

It would great to see anyone who leads a born again Christian life in private and let others see the fruits of your blessings.

There would be an aura of peace and happiness around them.

They would feel love and compassion to everyone.
They would not have to publicize that they are born again Christians.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I totally agree with you. I think such so-called bornagains must be exposed... may be in some popular newspapers....

January 8, 2007 at 2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Penecostal Christian, I disagree with you. I am saved by His Blood-and speak in other tongues, but since this is your blog-have at it...just remember, God is watching too, LOL

October 6, 2007 at 7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The alpha course is a stepping stone into a christian cult, that uses mostly students to do their hard work then takes their 10% tithe and Special offerings, then takes all their time with social activities.This should be exposed. ananymous

February 9, 2008 at 9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen more born again christians pray openly with others and flaunt their religion and behind your back they will "screw" you any chance they get. The dollar becomes the almight god and not Jesus Christ. Actions speak louder than words. I don't have to profess my faith in public, I practice it. I owned a business and I had more "born again christians" go behind my back and say and do not christian things. Why can't one say I have renewed my faith? Rather than I am a born again christian?

April 24, 2008 at 2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm glad I found this site & relieved that there are a few sane & good people who have witnessed the hypocrisy of the BACs. My heart goes out to all that had to, at one time or another, suffer yet another fool. My last unpleasant experience w/a BAC was when my obese S-I-L (BAC) stole my Italian grandmother's antique hand-sewn lacework the morning after my mother's mysterious death (trial will be going forward soon) Folding it w/her calm & chubby fingers gingerly while lying that my aunt requested it & I stupidly accepted her statement as true. My aunt told me she didn't request it.
Question: Why couldn't she just tell me she liked the items that were meant for me & I would've been happy to give them to her! What's w/the lying w/these manipulators? I knew she was bad news when I 1st met her at her wedding to my borderline-retardate brother when she gave me a dirty look for no reason! My parents & I were shocked. Are they all sociopaths? Dave Ramsey is the only bornagain I've ever seen that seems to have morals! Well, maybe it's just the crowd at the Huron church. I've read in a psych book that a case study was done of people walking around up there in Michigan actually believing they were talking to God.


July 1, 2008 at 10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I live in Texas and the born again churches ar egrowing like crazy. It's frightening. I've ahd friends convert and they believe that EVERYONE is going to hell if they don't get saved. I'm Catholic by the way but this isn't considered "real" Christianity. Here is a link to the way they brainwash people They think they are an elite group and everyone else is doomed. It's interesting to read theri methods for recruiting and brainwashing....complex.

September 29, 2008 at 2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also you have to really back some of them into a corner before they will say anything but what they've been programmed to say. I cut ties with a very good friend after he kept trying to "save" me. I fianlly kept repeating "so you are saying Jewish people are going to hell" until he gave me a straight answer. Which was ridiculous of course...but you have to confront them with their bigotry and then there's not much you can do but hope they find their way back to the real world.

September 29, 2008 at 2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to see not all ppl are fooled (B)by the born again christain cults out there that cause conflicts within families and psychological and emotionally abuse to vunerable people and young people for their own gain and not for God they use God to make monetary and other gains and if you dare disagree with their warped opinions you become excommunicated by the group strong people are able to make decisions but more vunerable people cant parents out there be on your guard with your children as sometimes they are used to attract other into this so called born again christain cult and they end up psycological and emotionally abused and they will resent those closest to them moods will change they can become dependant on this cult for emotional support and will most likely need to be counselled by a non christain counsellor. there is only one commandment love one another as I have loved you. So when groups of so called christains cause grief confusion pain to individuals and families they are not of God. I do believe there is genuine christain people out there but be on your guard and dont allow born again christain's to control your family(B)As for tiding well if your church leadership only wants people with money and big houses making decisions then it is not of God it is a self made group using people. Jesus came to set captives free and to the poor the downtrodden etc. so they will be accountable on the last day. Just like in Jesus time the pharasees were more interested in laws than the spirit of the law. Anyone reading this can know God loves them even if so called born again churches tell you your wrong God is more powerful and he is always delievered in Love. most of these cults come with big smiles then you get the story about gods plan for your life and the brainwashing starts if you respond at all where they are dangerous is they wait till you and well hooked and feel loved and part of the group before the controling aspects of this cult start. Groups not allowing all of Gods people have a say in how they feel about what should be everyone's church should be a sign they are not of God. On a last note God will love you no matter what so dont be dependant on other to tell you how to live and if you need God go direct dont look for answers in PEOPLE LOOK TO HIM and peace and truth will come.

April 4, 2009 at 3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The problem today is that most do not read The Bible, pray, or "WALK" with Jesus,instead they use Christianity as some kind of formula for prosperity. If you study the word you would no that tithing is Old Testament "LAW' and today we are not under the law but under "GRACE" The term "BORN AGAIN" still means to me today what it meant to me on Feb 9,1980, That is the day that I confessed my sins to God, publicly, and asked for forgivess of my sins, and Jesus to be Lord of my life. If it's being used in any other way, then it's they who need to stop. And, trust me, Christ will protet his own and The Glory that belongs to His Father.

June 28, 2009 at 12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello - can anyone help me answer any of the following regarding born again christians? (it is for my school project - my scheduled interviewee has unfortunately gone MIA on me.. .THANK YOU)

1. What do you think is the most fundamental aspect(s) of your religion?
2. What do you want others to know about your religion?
3. What do you think is the most unique aspect of your religion?
4. What makes you a strong believer in your faith?
5. What are some of your religious traditions, rituals? Which do you favour most?
6. How does observing or performing these rituals affect your daily life?
7. What are some of the symbols of your religion and what do they symbolize?
8. Does your religion provide a guide for your future path?
9. How were you shaped by your religious experience?
10. How can you trace your ethics to your religious background/experiences?
11. How were you educated about your religion?
12. What are your personal obligations based on your religious teachings?
13. What are the challenges, if any, to practicing you religion?
14. Does your community of faith always stand behind you in a time of need? How?
15. How does your faith handle societal issues such as premarital sex, intermarriage, teen pregnancy and divorce?
16. What do you believe about deity/ies?
17. Describe your feelings about your relationship with deity/ies?
18. Do you have any type of scripture or literature that you read and follow? When were they written?
19. Do you pray? If so, how do you pray?
20. Where do you worship?
21. In your religion do people get baptized?
22. What are some interesting facts about your religion?
23. What would you say is the best lesson your religion teaches?
24. What would you say you most disagree with about your religion?
25. Which do you praise the most from the Bible?
26. How often do you feel you pay homage to your religion?
27. Can you tell me one story from the Bible that you remember having a strong impact on you?
28. Are there any people/stories in the Bible you show serious doubt in? If so, which story?
29. Are adamant about your religion?
30. Have you ever questioned your faith?
31. How does your religion react to provide understanding for violence in society (past and present)?
32. What is your view on same-sex marriages or homosexuals?
33. How do you feel about other religions?
34. Is there a reason or explanation as to why people suffer?
35. What do you think will happen to non-believers of your religion after death?
36. How does your religion conflict with science?

July 3, 2009 at 12:21 AM  

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