Saturday, December 24, 2005

Learning more than tennis from Sarah Flood

I have started taking some tennis lessons. I like tennis and I think it is easier to get a tennis partner to play with, than 9 more guys for basketball (which is still my favorite game).

Sarah Flood, my trainer, is a tennis pro from UK. She is pursuing her PhD at the University of Houston and offers tennis lessons during her spare time.

Today I came to know of the details of a severe accident she had in 2002.

I am posting some portion of an article in The Daily Cougar Online, about her accident and recovery.

Only hours after attending her mother's funeral in England that fateful Tuesday morning, Flood was involved in a head-on automobile collision. After being revived at the scene of the wreck and spending six days on life support, the UH tennis player was determined to prove the experts wrong and walk again.

"They told me I might be paralyzed and would definitely never play tennis again," Flood said. "I'm the kind of person that doesn't deal well with people telling me what I can't do."

Flood returned to Houston that following January and began extensive rehabilitation. Her injuries — which included two collapsed lungs, a ruptured spleen, a lacerated liver and a broken hip — were not enough to keep the 20-year-old down.

"First I learned to walk again, and then I learned to run," she said. "I told everyone I would play the Cougar Classic this fall. Some said I was crazy for attempting it, but I was determined to get back into tennis."

Flood's passion for the game drove her to work harder at improving her health. This weekend, the 5-3 sophomore placed third in the doubles bracket of the Cougar Fall Classic.

It is quite normal that you regard such a person highly. But everytime I hear a story like this, I ask myself if I would have had the strength to come out of a similar situation; and the truth hurts! I had a similar feeling when I saw the movie "Million Dollar Baby".

It is not the first time that I have closely interacted with an achiever like Sarah. I have friends who have dedicated years to master something, sacrificing a good lifestyle and all income.

I wonder if I can ever come close... focused and dedicated to a cause. Even though I see such strong personalities in real life, I continue with my laziness. All I do is think, make detailed plans and then procrastinate.

My friends, colleagues and relatives may think that I am successful. But almost all of the things I do well are due to the abilities/talents I have; not hard work. If I had even a quarter of the will power that these people have, I believe I can do wonders!

"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are... it is our choices" - Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

"If there's magic in boxing, it's the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance, beyond cracked ribs, ruptured kidneys and detached retinas. It's the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you" - Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris in Million Dollar Baby.

I hope I learn more than just tennis from Sarah. Something that she has that cannot be taught; and if I do, it is worth more than a million New Year resolutions.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Blogger mdonkor said...

Hi my name is michelle and i am trying to get in contact with sarah.We used to play tennis together and she would know me as michelle white.Please coulod you pass my email to her as i would love to see how she is.Thanks michelle

November 22, 2008 at 12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle - My kids take tennis lessons with Sarah now. I am not sure if you have gotten in contact with her, but I will pass the information along.

April 25, 2009 at 2:18 PM  

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