Friday, October 1, 2004

A little (Artificial) Intelligence never killed anyone!

As I had mentioned in my earlier blogs, I am trying to master Lisp. As all languages, it is going to take a lot of experience and a lot of code to master. Moreover it is a new paradigm (Functional programming and Lisp Macros). I am still reading "On Lisp" by Paul Graham.

I wanted to look at some good Lisp source code that I could study and get a "real life" feel. Even though it is bad to try to learn two unknowns at the same time, I picked the Lisp code of the book "Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach" by Russel and Norvig. I am trying to implement it in CLOS (since I think I know Object Oriented programming well).

One advantage I have is that my partner Ravi wrote the Java code for the book and is just a phone call away to clear any doubts. In short, I have taken upon myself the task of learning the basics of Lisp and AI in the next two months. Meanwhile I also plan to "pair" with Ravi when he develops the modules that require AI knowledge for our clients.


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