Monday, March 1, 2004


These are some of my last days in Mindteck. I am going on to start my own software consulting firm with some of my old friends.

Mindteck has come a long way since I joined the company almost 3 years back. It was a great experience to be together during the boom, the bust and the new boom. The company has grown manifold.

I still like a small agile company that genuinely tries to provide value to the customer. I hope to try out some of my (some say idealistic) ideas of how a company should be. I like to believe that software is closer to art than engineering or mass manufacturing and I could make a difference in that field. I hope that it is still competancy and smart work that drives development. The success of my new company would be an example for all the software engineers (eventhough few) who are willing to learn, work and come out with creative and useful solutions. This would prove that they can actually let go all the pseudo-quality-processes and do *real* work - working, useful software.


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