Thursday, January 1, 2004

Its a New year and I am hopeful

A very Happy New Year to you all

This year, I only replied to the greetings I received. I hate to send an E-greeting. It is better to receive a personal message even if it is just a couple of lines.

I think 2003 was relatively a good year and I was able to slowly come out of my laziness and get some things done. It would be nice just to continue the good work and put in more focused effort. Hence that is one of my resolutions as well. I also want to start blogging (I already have!) and concentrate more on my health and fine arts.

I went to a New Year bash (Hollywood 2004). It was a big party with just loud music. But it was nice. A lot of young couples and all have made some effort to dress according to the theme ? Hollywood. I was happy to see that the skirts we back in :- ). Bosco and myself, took off from there at around 11.15 pm and went to a nearby church for the midnight mass. We spent a peaceful hour there and then headed back to the party and stayed there till 3 or 4 in the morning. Since we were in the church at the turn of the year, we were still energetic while the others slowly started leaving the dance floor and lying down on the lawns nearby.


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