Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Golf swing evaluation

A friend from the local amateur tour got me a Free Swing evaluation and lesson at his GolfTec. I promptly took the offer.

They attach a couple of devices that measure angles to your body and record your swings. I made 5 swings out of which 3 were decent. The instructor picked my worst swing to prove that I need a set of lessons (I understand that he is there to sell the service too).

The result showed up as a set of angles at address, top of the back swing, impact and end of follow through. I was very pleased to see that many of my angles were in "green", a few in yellow and one in red.

Then he compared my swing to Tiger's!!! Of course you see a lot of room for improvement but it is good for now or till I become a scratch golfer.

Then he gave me a lesson to fix my only "red" angle. Obviously he wanted me to also follow it up with another 25 lessons at $1600 this year. I never like to make a decision hastly in such pressure situations. So I told him that I will think about it.

At home I did work on his tip and went out to play a round on Friday. It did improve my shots and ball-contact.

Overall I am leaning towards getting the package. I think I need help to bring down my handicap to a single digit.
I love this game but I wish it was cheaper. Anyway my immediate goal is to win the C flight of the Houston Amateur tour on Sunday at Cypress Lakes.


My website is down

My hosting service provider decided to stop their hosting business. They gave me enough notice about this but I did not want to move my website to another JSP hosting service.
I am planning to redo my website with Ruby on Rails or Django OR any pre-built customizable Rails or Django platforms. Let me know if you know of any.

But I can do that only after I am done with my current projects such as and
So till then I will have redirected to this blog. I have not blogged for a long time but maybe I will post a few entries now.
