Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Drive Smart

I had to attend the internal "DriveSmaRRt" training session yesterday. Some of the statistics discussed in the class were:-

  • About 100 people die everyday in the US due to road accidents (That's about 36,000 a year).

  • Average response time for a person above 25 years is 2 seconds. After than it increases by about a second with every 15 years of age.

  • Your response time increases by a second for every beer consumed.

  • It takes about 4 hours to wash out one bottle of beer from your system.

  • Less than 8% survive a head-on collision.

  • In Texas, 1 in every 15 is driving after consuming alcohol/drugs. Over the weekend it becomes 1 in every 10.

  • In Texas, more than 30% of the drivers carry weapons.

  • A few years back, when the speed limit was increased from 55mph to 70mph, the automobile industry grew by 11%